Posted: 31 July 2019

Signs from your Angels

Do you ever feel like there is a presence of an angel with you or notice something and think that it could be a divine sign at the exact time when you need it? 

Common signs from angels are:

-         Orbs of white or coloured light

-         Flickering lights

-         Sparks of light speed out of the corner of your eye

-         Repeating sequential numbers

-         Sudden temperature changes

-         A familiar scent

-         White Butterflies

-         White Feathers

-         Robin

-         Doves

-         Goosebumps with an overwhelming feeling of love

-         Bells ringing

-         Musical whispers

-         High pitched muffled whispers

-         A song that means something to you at the moment you need to hear it

-         Pennies

-         Book falling to reveal a certain page

-         A feeling of a presence with you

Naturally, when you experience one or more of these signs, you can innocently misinterpret them as coincidence or luck. The truth is that the angels are always watching over you.   

Forever grateful for the love.
